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The Mistressthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 1132 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: quisp77
Added: May 27 2004Views / Reads: 3783 / 2620 [69%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Pam has become my sex master, and we hook up with someone online

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Pam and I have been discussing having another man join us in our sex life, so I posted an ad on an online cruising service and said I was a bi-curious male, looking to explore m2m adventures while Pam watched and coached.

I received an answer from a man named Jason, who expressed a total interest in fulfilling our fantasy, complete with pics, and telling us he would be in our town for three days, but could make it longer.

Pam read his mail, and we started to correspond with him, when she decided she did not want to meet him.

One night, while talking to a friend of ours, I mentioned that I had become Pam's TOTAL sex slave. When he asked me what I meant, I explained that ANYTHING Pam wanted I was to do, no questions asked. If I walked in the room and she said "strip" I was to be naked in less than a minute. If she said "jerk off", I start jerking off, if she says "cum", I ask where.

While talking to our friend, Pam was stroking my cock, and looked at me, saying, "mmmm to be the master of two men at the same time", I reminded her of Jason, and she told me to e-mail him right away with the instructions that SHE was TOTALLY in control, and she could stop ...

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