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SEEK, WATCH AND ENJOYthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 2640 words)

Author: Kevin
Added: Jun 06 2004Views / Reads: 6042 / 4902 [81%]Story vote: 8.38 (8 votes)
Tina and I have been married for 12 years. We are always looking to spice up our marriage. This is about how I get to eat my cake and have it too.

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My wife Tina and I have been married for sixteen years. To keep our marriage intact, we work very hard to keep our sex life alive and active. Often we try different fantasies to excite each other. Sometimes we plan "dates" together and sometimes we role-play our fantasies. Fate played a hand in one of our dates and really changed things for us. Sometimes Tina catches a taxi and meets me after work at a club where we appear to have just met, having an instant attraction to each other that causes us to leave for a night of hot loving. It's a hot "one-night-stand" fantasy. We've agreed that it's perfectly fine to flirt around a bit and dance with others because the little pangs of jealousy adds to the experience. Because she is a knockout and can really dress to kill, Tina usually attracts any number of prospective suitors. It's fun to watching her flirt and dance provocatively with other men, and then feel their jealousy when she leaves with me. For that matter, dancing with a few lovely ladies while I am enjoying Tina's performance doesn't hurt either. Tina says she gets a kick out of watching me.

On this occasion we chose a club we've been to once or twice and agreed to arrive around nine, flirt with others for a couple of hours , meet and "fall in love" around eleven, and leave about twelve. Plans don't always turn out as expected. An emergency came up at work which was going to delay me for an indeterminate amount of time. I tried to call Tina at home and apparently just missed her. I tried to rush through the problem and get out of work earlier, but one thing led to another, ...

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