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1+2+FUN!!!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2100 words)

Author: Henri de BB Picture in profile
Added: Jun 20 2004Views / Reads: 1251 / 977 [78%]Story vote: 6.40 (5 votes)
This is a fully, "sinnndy"-approved story! After I wrote this one, she said we knew "way too much about each other." I took that as the ultimate compliment.

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I'd taken the red-eye into O'Hare to visit her. I'd been waiting at the airport, for forty-five minutes, for her to pick me up.

She was late.

I was frustrated.

My temper was only exacerbated by the jetlag I was feeling and I knew that if I were to drive a car on the "Dan Ryan" and get cut off by another driver, road rage would cause me to run the fucker off the road and beat him to death with my own fists!

I'm sure you've had days like this, yourself.


I had come to Chicago, a place I swore I'd never visit in winter again, to visit/ meet my longest-lasting online submissive/ slave, even though she was eighteen years my junior and even though I had misgivings about meeting her, face-to-face. But I figured--since I had a layover in Chicago--I'd stretch it out for a few hours because my comedy gig wasn't until tomorrow night. And, I reasoned, who the heck goes out to a comedy club, in North Dakota during a blizzard, anyways! I mean, come on!


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