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Arctic Blue Chapter 1: The Trainthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 5493 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Michael Loss
Added: Jun 23 2004Views / Reads: 1202 / 1079 [90%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Having only just arrived at his destination, David is fated to go on a life changing journey

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Artic Blue chapter 1: The Train

"Ladies and Gentleman we will shortly be touching down in Moscow, please turn off any mobile electrical equipment you may be using, adjust your seats to an upright position and fasten your seatbelts. Please also have your headsets ready for collection by a member of our flight staff. Thank you for travelling with us, and we hope you choose to fly with us again in the near future."

I'd actually done it. I know quite a few people often say to themselves, I'm going to get out of this place, I'm going to get away from it all, but very few of them do. Just by acknowledging the fact I had touched down in St Petersburg a few hours ago, and was now about to land in Moscow gave me a sense of achievement. It might not seem that much of an achievement, but at this moment in time it meant a great deal to me. A few thousand miles to the West I had left a life of stress and boredom behind, even if it would only be for a couple of weeks.

"Sir?" A friendly voice brought my mind back from its little day dream. It was just an air stewardess wanting to collect my headset. We had landed and I barely noticed. All the other passengers were on their feet collecting their carry-on belongings from the overhead compartments before slowly shuffling their way down the aisle, anxious to get off the plane, but reserved in doing so. For me there was no ...

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