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HIS MOUNTthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4480 words)

Author: SweetWife
Added: Jul 26 2000Views / Reads: 6246 / 5211 [83%]Story vote: 7.75 (8 votes)
Remembering the amazing night that my lover introduced me to a new lifestyle and how quickly I submitted to the power and control of his black friend.

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I am sitting at my desk late in the afternoon trying to concentrate on yet another report. Suddenly, my body begins again to react to the deep longings, which have for the past year been so stirred up, longings that have driven me to feel and do things I never thought I was capable of. The sensations start without any conscious thoughts. From my waist down, my entire groin starts to tingle and I can feel the wetness starting. As my nipples start to pucker and my breasts swell within my bra, I gasp a little, knowing my whole train of thought will now be over powered by an erotic fantasy forming in my mind. I peek up over my computer screen wondering if any of the others in the office can notice the changes. I know from experience there is no fighting these urges. I just hope that I can contain myself until the end of the day when I can get some place where I can release. I look across the room towards Michael, the man who has brought me to this point and to whom I am devoted. I catch his eye and send him a look of longing and desperation. He knowingly smiles at me and then returns to his work, and I am left to deal with my growing feelings of wanton lust. I slowly and deliberately find myself checking out each man in the room...wondering about what sexual fantasies each may be having...longing to touch each in a seductive and nasty way ... to arouse each to an intense climax........ Quickly, I force myself to look down. What am I becoming....?!!!! How can I be such a slut?? Looking back at Michael I begin remembering, for the hundredth time, ...

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