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Island Vacationthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 4410 words)

Author: M1110
Added: Jun 30 2004Views / Reads: 5631 / 4764 [85%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Casey and Jess meet up after a year apart. But when Jess catches Casey staring at her, she begins to think there could be more…

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Island Vacation

Casey and Jess meet up after a year apart. But when Jess catches Casey staring at her, she begins to think there could be more...

This is a work or fiction, none of these characters are based on real people.

The anticipation was growing inside of Jess. The long drive up to Mackinac Island and then the 20 minute boat ride was way too much for her to handle. She hadn't seen her best friend Casey in almost a year now, she just wanted to frickin' get there! The gentle breeze and the smell of Lake Michigan brought her back to old memories of her childhood, the long and wonderful summers that brought her true happiness. "If only the world today could be that simple..." she murmured softly.

Casey and Jess had graduated from college the previous spring and with their busy job schedules hadn't been doing a great job at keeping in touch, so this was their way of catching up with each other. Casey had been on the island for a week with her family, but she had called Jess to come stay with her for the last couple days so they could see the sites, shop and, of course, ride horses. They shared a love for the outdoors and they had always talked about renting horses and exploring the island. ...

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