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The Busboy and the Roommatesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 18045 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Mellors
Added: Jul 02 2004Views / Reads: 4344 / 3836 [88%]Part vote: 9.78 (9 votes)
It's been a while but here is a very long chapter two. Kristin, Lynn's roommate, has graduated and is leaving. Ted is going off to college on his own. How should she bid farewell to them?

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Lynn's long legs tightened around Ted's body as she had her third orgasm of the night. She held her breath, trying not to cry out in pleasure. Normally, she would happily have given full voice to her satisfaction -- but the knowledge that her roommate was only a thin wall away from her lingered in the back of her mind. That thought was quickly fading as Ted pounded his mammoth prick into her relentlessly, forcing a series of moans to escape her lips as her climax arced through her taut body.

It was late August and they were in the midst of a series of "farewell fucks", as Lynn called them. They'd been doing it almost non-stop as the days trickled down until Ted would leave for college, moving a day's drive away -- a distance they both knew would end their brief affair.

Lynn was under no illusions. She liked Ted a lot, but she didn't love him. She'd be sad to see him go, but she wouldn't be heartbroken . . . as long as she had at least occasional access to his dick. Over the last three months, he had become the best fuck she could ever want. Her body was used to him now. She could take him easily and frequently and she was loving it. She could ride him as long as he could hold out and just enjoy that wonderful feeling of being completely filled. And he'd augmented his natural skill by learning her body. He could make her cum hard almost at will. True, she didn't cum as explosively as she had that first time -- but that was a good thing really -- she ...

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