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Waking upthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2637 words)

Author: Risberg
Added: Jul 05 2004Views / Reads: 4207 / 3523 [84%]Story vote: 8.63 (19 votes)
A girl wakes up to a warm morning sun, and a warm hand that caresses her skin...

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It was another one of these fine mornings. I was feeling languid and just laid on my back on the bed, basking in the morning sun that was peeking through the curtains. And enjoying the hand that was softly and gently roaming on my body.

As that last thought finally reached my conscious mind, I barely could keep the yelp inside. Yes, there was a hand, now that I had my senses back from the deep sleep I had. It was currently making adventures on my stomach.

It felt quite good, which is probably why I didn't make it stop right here and then, and just pretended I was still asleep. The hand was warm and, like said before, soft and gentle. I felt my nipples harden. And only a second after that feeling the hand went over them, touching only barely and then returning to my stomach.

I started to wonder. Who was the guy? What happened yesterday?

I was at a party at my friend's house. We had a tight group of friends and spent a lot of time together. We were quite open and could talk about anything with each other, including sexual topics. This being Finland and all, we had been to sauna together, boys and girls alike, so nudity was not an issue to us. That's why I had thought nothing of it when I had stumbled to the first free bed I found when sleep was overcoming me, and because I usually sleep naked, that's what I wore ...

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