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Lorie Leethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 7472 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Jul 15 2004Views / Reads: 555 / 457 [82%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
This is a story of one woman's strruggle for her idebtity and the man who helped her find it

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LORIE LEE By Bobjj123

Lorie Lee was her given name and the name by which she was addressed by family, friends and others. . . .not Lorie or Lee or some other nickname but always Lorie Lee. Lorie Lee liked her name as it was unique and gave her an identity independent from all others. She had been raised in a rather affluent suburb of a big city by loving parents and had all the benefits of good dental care, nice clothes and a room of her own.

As she grew up, she was restless. . . independent and rebellious to family, school, and life in general. No one, including Lorie Lee, seemed to know what she was rebelling against or why she felt compelled to do it. Counseling, at her mother's insistence, seemed to have no effect as Lorie Lee continued to stay her life's course.

By the time she was in High School, Lorie Lee's grades had fallen to mediocre, not because she couldn't do the work but because she wouldn't. In spite of her attitude, she never let her grades deteriorate to the level where she couldn't participate in sports or cheer leading. . . at these events she had been very good!

She had no friends and was known as very antisocial in her school environment. Of course, her long, black hair, ivory skin, blue eyes and svelte figure attracted the attention of most of the High School ...

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