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Anonymous Callerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1265 words)

Author: Tia
Added: Jul 15 2004Views / Reads: 1694 / 1503 [89%]Story vote: 8.65 (20 votes)
Lacey receives a prank phone call and decides to have bit of fun with the anonymous caller.

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Anonymous Caller


There was silence on the other end of the line. Lacey listened closely to the silence and repeated herself once again.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

She was greeted with more silence. She frowned and pushed the end button on her cell phone. This was the third time in 10 minutes that this person had called and not responded to her.

"Damn fools."

Lacey set the phone down on the kitchen table and walked to her bedroom in a hurry. It was getting dark out and she was running behind. She needed to get dressed for the evening out with her girlfriends. Every Friday night they went downtown. Clubs, parties, [censored] and alcohol. And occasional sex with total strangers. This was the perfect life in Lacey's eyes.

She opened her closet door with one hand while unbuttoning her blouse with the other. It was decision time. What would draw attention to her tonight? As she unbuttoned the last button she heard the trill of her ...

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