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Dreaming of Youthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 1389 words)

Author: Woop Playmaker
Added: Jul 21 2004Views / Reads: 1221 / 780 [64%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
I had a dream about you again... We were at a party and lead me to a seculuded room. While there, I satisfy you.

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I dreamed about you last night.

We were at a black-tie party where you knew the hostess and her house well. After flirting incessantly with me all evening, you whispered that you wanted to show me a special room. You took my hand and led me down a long hallway. At the end of the hall was a heavy oak door. You motioned for me to open it.

Behind the door was a dazzling room. The ceiling and all four walls were white. The carpet was plush and looked like newly fallen snow. In the middle of the room was a square stand on which sat a round bed. Both were draped in white satin.

You walked up to the stand and tripped an invisible switch. The bed began to slowly rotate.

You turned back to me and led me by the hand to the only object in the room that wasn't white-- an over-stuffed black leather chair. I sat.

You walked slowly away from me, back to the middle of the room. Looking over your shoulder at me as you walked, you stopped in front of the stand, still facing the bed. I saw your hands rise up to the thin straps of fabric tightly holding the top of your elegant gown to your gorgeous body. First one, then the other strap was slowly removed from your shoulders. Still looking at me, you let your gown flow to the ...

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