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Unbridled Lust Chapter 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2888 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: shadow_dreamer Picture in profile
Added: Jul 22 2004Views / Reads: 1079 / 976 [90%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Officer Williams shows up at Cassandra's front door the morning after stopping her at the road block to return her driver's license and paperwork. He ends up spending a hot, non-stop erotic day with Cassandra.

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Unbridled Lust Ch. 04 (Breakfast Surprise) by shadow_dreamer © 2004

Much to her surprise, Cassandra woke up early the next morning; the clock beside her bed read seven o'clock. She groaned as she sat up, trying her best to stretch, but her body ached. She tried to stand, but it took awhile before she could steady herself. After a minute or so she was able to slowly walk out of the bedroom, wobbling into the bathroom in a dazed state as if she was hung over. She showered then dressed in a white clingy cut off tank top that molded to her breasts and a pair of super low rise denim shorts that exposed the firmness of the bottom of her ass. She wandered into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and waited patiently for it to brew.

With a hot cup of the Kona coffee she walked out onto the lanai overlooking the beach. It was such a peaceful place to sit and look at nature's beauty in the comfort of her home. The horizon looked like a painting of an ocean of deep blue with white peaks and caps upon the waves, the landscape of clean, soft, tanned sand stretched from side to side and seemed farther than the eye could see with a variety of green brush and trees aligning the beach. The sound from the waves crashing in the distance made it so calming, so relaxing. She placed her cup onto the table, sat back on the lounge chair, closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath of clean salt air. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be this early in the morning?" she thought to herself. ...

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