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The Toythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 4611 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Baast
Added: Jul 28 2000Views / Reads: 3064 / 2458 [80%]Part vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
Sumissive gets her first taste of real life bd/sm (pts 1 & 2)

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Chapter One

I stood at the gate, stomach in knots as I watched his plane land, legs so weak I was afraid they wouldn't carry me when I needed them. You wanted this, I thought, trying to buck up my courage. I had met him online about six months earlier, after making a decision to expand my sexual horizons, a journey that had inescapably led me into bondage. Once I had realized what I wanted, what I needed, I had started searching for a Master, deciding that online was the safest start, and learning forum. I had found Him a few weeks later, after going through the usual assortment of wannabes and fakes. It had started as an innocuous conversation, for the name he used wasn't one I would have quickly associated with a Dom.

From there, things proceeded quickly, with us each learning of the other, and my constant need to push my limits becoming quickly self-evident. Now I was rethinking my insubordinance, a wee late in the game for that though, I thought, nipples tightening at the thought of some of the things I had said. He had told me that I would know whether he was angry with me by the look in his eyes, to which I had glibly replied "by then it'll be to late to matter". Now the only thing on my mind was his eyes, and what was in store for me, once we were alone. He had already started my punishment though, by his ...

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