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The Pick Upthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3407 words)

Author: Honu
Added: Aug 03 2004Views / Reads: 7199 / 6509 [90%]Story vote: 8.65 (26 votes)
I try to set up a fantasy "date" to spice up our sex life. But instead of picking me up, my wife picks up a stranger.

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My wife, Denise, and I had been having problems for months. We were both working very hard, as young lawyers have to do, leaving us little time to spend together - and we were usually so tired and stressed out from work that even that precious little time was spent either sleeping, or fighting over one stupid thing or another. Frankly, we had begun getting on each other's nerves, and we weren't enjoying each other's company very much when we did have time together. Of course, our sex life was virtually non-existent.

Which was a double whammy, because it had been great sex that had gotten us together in the first place. I still remember when I first saw Denise. One morning I was scheduled to do interviews of law students applying to work at our firm. My first interview walked in - and I immediately wanted to get in her pants. She was a little taller than average, around 5' 7", with amazingly long, firm sexy legs. She was wearing her blond hair long, and she had piercing blue eyes, and generous C-cup tits. Even wearing a moderately conservative business suit, I thought she looked hot. She had apparently been attracted to me, too, as it wasn't more than two weeks after she started working at the firm that she managed to drop by my office late one evening for some "help" with a file. Thirty minutes later, we were on my couch, screwing our brains out. To avoid complications, I left the firm shortly after that. ...

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