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Vacation pt2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4249 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: squall_119
Added: Aug 16 2004Views / Reads: 399 / 204 [51%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
A continuation of part 1, We are still on vaction enjoying ourselves. Please give me feedback.

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Vacations pt.2

The morning we awoke to each other fondling the other. It slowly built to more. First it was caressing. Then it includes kissing. Next we were fondling each of our pleasure areas. You were stroking my cock. I was finger fucking your pussy. You came once by this, before we started having sex.

We laid side by side. I was behind you with my penis in your pussy. My hands on your breasts. I slowly was thrusting in and out of you. We both made soft moans. Gradually our pace increased. You were so hot that you were pulling and tweaking your own nipples. You then guide my hand between your legs to play with your clit. Our pace has increased again. The bed is creaking. You are massaging your breasts with my one hand and your hand. While forcing my other hand on your clit tighter and harder against it. I thrust so hard. "Are you about ready to cum?" I scream. "Yes, fill me full with cum"... "Cum in me"... "Now"! I start to pump you harder. "Yes".."Here I cum!!" "ahaah!" Our orgasms our almost together.

We hold each other like that and fall asleep again both of us joined at the hips.

We have a big breakfast, lazy lunch, and a nice dinner. Then we have a hot dessert. ...

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