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Sweet Love Under the Sunthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1748 words)

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Aug 16 2004Views / Reads: 6851 / 5943 [87%]Story vote: 8.88 (8 votes)
She fell asleep while sunbathing and woke to the touch of a special woman.

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Sweet Love Under the Sun

At last, it was Friday. My son and his friends had just left to go back to college and my daughter was invited to go to the cottage by my neighbors and their two girls. I was invited too but I turned them down.

"Jill," I replied, when she invited me,"think about this. "I'm here alone for the first time in I don't know when. It's quiet, I don't have to be anywhere, I don't have to do anything unless I want to, I don't have to take anyone anywhere or go get them. I can walk around in the nude all weekend without being worried about someone seeing me."

"I think I should stay here with you," she said.

"I wish," I replied.

I should explain that Jill knows that I'm bi and it's never been a big issue with us. I don't think she knows how much I want her naked in my bed though. I'm very careful that she doesn't see me staring at her hot ass in a bikini or short shorts or how I drool at the sight of her wearing a shirt or blouse without a bra.

Just the thought of being naked with her all weekend had me soaking wet and getting wetter all the time. ...

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