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Day at the motel (Part 7)this story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 2786 words) [7/12] show all parts

Author: slut-wives
Added: Aug 17 2004Views / Reads: 2880 / 2231 [77%]Part vote: 7.75 (4 votes)
Dan wanted me get a motel room.Had no idea what he had in mind till he got there. While at the pool I met Jeanette.

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This part is written by Lisa:

I was loving all the cock I was getting, and loved my husband for letting me get them.

Maybe a week passed with Keith, Dan's boss, and Clint, Billy, and Jack coming by every evening to give me cock one at a time.

After finding out I wasn't pregnant I was so relieved . I didn't want an abortion but I knew Dan was right. We couldn't take the chance of the baby favoring Keith or Dan's boss.

I went and got the shot to keep from getting pregnant to be on the safe side.The doc said to wait a good week so that worked out pretty good. I was on my period anyway and was glad to see that period come.

"OK Dan I'm ready for cock again and I'm safe now," I told my husband.

"Good baby, you will love tomorrow," he said. "Go get us a motel room tomorrow and call me on the cell and let me know where you are. You be in the room at two," he added.

Next morning I went and got a motel room then called Dan. He asked if I had taken the ice chest and plenty of beer. I said yes,that I had two 6 pks. He then told me go get two cases of beer. ...

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