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Down and up the road Chapter 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 8871 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: CraCyn55
Added: Aug 18 2004Views / Reads: 1967 / 1574 [80%]Part vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Sandy gets in deeper

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Chapter 3 - Training and possession

As we left the movie theater and the mall I couldn't stop looking at myself in the reflective surfaces of the store windows; I really did look like a slut I thought to myself, this is who I was and there was no turning back, no half way journey. I wondered where Daren would take me and was ready for what ever he wanted to do. At the same time I knew I was on a self destructive path that promised to take me away from everything that had seemed important almost days before.

In reality, all of the elements that defined my life before things began with Darren were still important to me; it's probably hard for anyone following this story to believe they ever were considering the terrible way I was treating my family in all of this. Like I said before, it's obvious my life was running on a full dose of selfishness although it didn't occur to me back then. It masked the effects of my truly heartless and cruel behavior on the innocent lives of a genuinely good man and my two adorable children.

I was overdosing on sexual liberation, and I couldn't think of anything that didn't fuel the addiction; I knew Darren could see up my short dress as I climbed into his truck from the driver's door and I made sure I opened my thighs far enough apart so he could see everything as I moved in and slid over to let him climb in after me.


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