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When you aren't looking for it part2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2045 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: homer the bad 1
Added: Aug 20 2004Views / Reads: 3418 / 2704 [79%]Part vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
a sexy neighbor joins in on the fun

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When you aren't looking for it Part 2

Mike awoke sometime later to discover he was free from his bonds and the blindfold removed from his eyes. The streams of light through the window let him know it was morning; the different surroundings let him know he had not dreamt up Maryanne and all the fantastic sex.

With out thinking about putting on clothes he went looking for her. His body ached from the workout she gave him the night before, but his cock reminded him how great it was by sticking straight out, and swaying back and forth, as he walked. Even after a quick pit stop to relieve himself, he stayed semi-hard.

He heard some noise coming from the kitchen so he went to surprise her. When he entered the kitchen, he found Maryanne dressed and making a pot of coffee, but much to his embarrassment her sexy neighbor Sharon was also there.

Sharon was the first to see him and commented, "my my my my Mary you didn't tell me about him."

Maryanne face turned bright red, as Mike tried his best to cover up as he quickly retreated to the bedroom. When he returned Maryanne's face was still red, as she continued to try to explain who he was and how he got there. Mike apologized for walking in naked, but Sharon told him, ...

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