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When you aren't looking for it part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2632 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: homer the bad 1
Added: Aug 21 2004Views / Reads: 2528 / 2003 [79%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Sharon shows Maryanne her good neighbor policy

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When you aren't looking for it Part 3

It was mid-afternoon before any one stirred from their sex-induced sleep; Sharon was the first of the three to wake up. She smiled when she saw Mike and Maryanne locked together while they slept off their passion. Quietly she gathered her clothes and dressed; when she was done, she gently kissed Mike and Maryanne and went home, but she knew this would not be the last time she would join them for sex.

The first thing Sharon did when she got home was to strip off her clothes and take a nice warm bath. As the water filled the tub, she moved her hands to her breasts remembering how good Mikes strong hands felt as he played with her tits. She let one hand move across her stomach retracing the path his tongue took on the way to her pussy.

She eased into the warm relaxing tub, the memories of his mouth clamped over her clit raced into her head, her fingers now doing the work of his tongue. She now reached for her favorite bath toy, a six-inch waterproof vibrator, with one leg draped over the side of the tub she turned it to a medium setting and eased the toy in her pussy.

Although she had done this many times before, this time she had a new memory to run over in her head. With fingers of one hand, she used her pussy rings to open her pussy and rub her clit; with the other hand, she slipped the vibrator in and out. She replayed every lick suck and ...

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