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Closing Up Shopthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1882 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: jessiek
Added: Aug 23 2004Views / Reads: 951 / 673 [71%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
My fling with the coffee guy turns out to be more than a one night stand. Adventures at the coffee shop lead to more firsts for me at the hands of my new lover.

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It was obvious by the cat-calls and whistles as I approached the counter that you had told your buddies about our "meeting" yesterday. You shot them a look that said "Shut up, or I might not get laid again!" and they went back to getting coffee and looking busy. You came around the counter and kissed me, letting your hand drop to my ass and give me a squeeze. I backed into your hand, letting you grope my pussy, just enough to feel how wet I was just seeing you. You kissed the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine, and we sat down for a minute, your friends watching through sideways glances to see if there'd be any more action. I felt your hand on my thigh under the table as you leaned in and whispered, "What time do you work until tonight?" "I have to close," I said, "so I'll be out around 11." "Sounds good," you said, "I should be just about done shutting things down here by then. Wanna stop by and hang out for a bit?" I have to admit, I loved the fact that you wanted more just as much as I did. I glanced at my watch and saw my break was almost over. "I have to go," I said. "See you here later." I gave you a long tongue kiss as I stood up, giving the guys a little glimpse of how good you've got it. "You are such a tease," you said, giving my ass another squeeze and tweaking the end of one of my blatantly erect nipples. "You're not so bad yourself," I laughed, giving you a wink and slipping away quickly. Damn work!

To my surprise, the evening passed quickly. Every time I looked at the clock it was closer and closer to being with you again, and I couldn't believe the guys at my work didn't smell how aroused I was, as there ...

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