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When you aren't looking for it part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2783 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: homer the bad 1
Added: Aug 24 2004Views / Reads: 1739 / 1362 [78%]Part vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
Mike has made up his mind about Maryanne and arrives just in time for another bout of kitchen sex

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When you aren't looking for it

Part 4

It was two days before Mike decided that he spent long enough thinking about what he wanted, he knew now, he wanted Maryanne. He was not going to wait any longer; he called her first thing when he arrived at his office.

What he did not know was that Maryanne and Sharon had not been apart since the morning after he left. Sharon was doing her best to make sure Maryanne would always be apart of her sex life and by extension of that so would Mike.

Mike let the phone ring for a few minutes before Maryanne answered it, she seemed to be out of breath, when he questioned her about it she only said she had "company" over. When he asked her, who it was she cryptically answered you will have to come over for lunch and find out.

Mike was at a loss for words, several thoughts came to mind, was it another man, no it had to be Sharon. Luckily, for Mike he had a light day at work so he could take the afternoon off as long as he finished ...

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