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Icy Hotthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1800 words)

Author: Tsu Do Nym
Added: Aug 30 2004Views / Reads: 1310 / 938 [72%]Story vote: 8.71 (7 votes)
She has a headache..he tries to help..enjoys the ultimate rewards.

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Syl had a headache. I told her "Probably tension. Take a shower to relax. It might help." While she was showering, I took a few ice cubes from the tray and put them in a baggie and zipped it closed. When she came out, clad in her towel, her color was better but the smile she offered me was weak compared to her usually bright, full-faced grin. When she's healthy, Syl is the happiest, most loving person I know.

"Take this ice and put it at the base of your neck. Go lay down for a while. I'll make some dinner and we'll see how you feel when it's ready," I told her.

"Thanks, sweetie" she murmured as she took the ice and headed for the bedroom.

Even feeling concern for her discomfort, I couldn't help but notice that the towel did nothing to hide those soft curves beneath it - that delicious body that I knew so well. As I headed toward the kitchen, glancing back I saw that the fluffy pink covering just reached but did not managed to hide the very bottom edge of those incredible ass cheeks as they twitched their way into the bedroom.

Syl was such a wonderfully beautiful person that she could have been homely and lumpy of body and you would still see her and wish to know her. But she wasn't at all. Her skin was so wonderfully clean and ...

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