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My fantasy finally comes true.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1865 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: lscott
Added: Aug 31 2004Views / Reads: 8441 / 5235 [62%]Part vote: 8.21 (14 votes)
My wife's best friend, whom I have lusted after, finally gives in

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I have this fetish- I love women who are somewhat overweight, with a big ass and huge tits. My wife's best friend is this type of woman. Her name is phyllis, and she has a big ass and two of the biggest tits I have ever seen. Just thinking about Phyllis makes me shoot off in my pants. Her ass makes me want to grab it, squeeze it, and hold it as I fuck her into oblivion. But this is just my fantasy, because, knowing Phyllis, this will never happen.

You see, Phyllis is a very conservative, church-going woman that would never, ever think of being unfaithfull to her husband. So, this is just a pipe-dream for me.

Phyllis is about 5' 8" and probably weighs in at 195 pounds. Now this sounds as if she is fat, but that is not necessarily so. For you have to understand that most of her weight is in her ass and her huge tits. Phyllis is probably 48 or 49 years old. Just right for a mature woman.

My wife, (Faye) came home one afternoon and said that Phyllis and John(her husband)had invited her and me (Ken) to come to the beach with them for a week of relaxation. Phyllis and John own a mobile home there and they use it quite frequently. Faye was really excited about the offer and asked me what I thought. Knowing that my wife loved the beach, I said that it was OK with me.


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