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A Cure for the Monday Morning Blues!this story is part of the FanClub (bi:sex at work, 1568 words)

Author: Tsu Do Nym
Added: Sep 10 2004Views / Reads: 11684 / 8113 [69%]Story vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Surprise (in many ways) encounter in a boutique between employee and unknown partner.

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Work's Not So Bad!

No matter how we tried, we could never keep the clothes on the floor racks in decent condition, or sized properly. I spent many of my work hours sorting and re-hanging the clothes - just 'neatening up' as Marge, the day floor supervisor called it. Although it was a great opportunity to look at many of the blouses, skirts, and dresses (we carried such a large stock, it was impossible to get to see everything unless you were the one to unload each shipment), it was not my favorite chore. I couldn't get over how our customers could be so messy or so uncaring with the way they handled the fashions!

It was on a Monday morning. I'd had a fun weekend, perhaps a little too much fun and my head was a bit heavy with lack of sleep and overabundance of good company and drink. So I was going thru the motions of 'neatening up' rack by rack and had worked my way to a collection of long silky skirts with some very interesting print patterns on them.

I was admiring a particular print when I first felt something brush just inside my knee. Again the silky touch as though one of the skirts was reaching out to me and caressing my inner thigh just above my knee down to the tops of my mid-calf boot. I started, but a soft voice from within the depths of the rack whispered "Don't look down!" and two soft hands caught my knee so I couldn't easily back away. ...

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