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Pleasure From Givingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 9822 words)

Author: Tsu Do Nym
Added: Sep 17 2004Views / Reads: 4640 / 3664 [79%]Story vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
Category should read "other - submission, sex at work (ff/ff), anal (straight), swingers (all possible), strange toys, etc." One day in the life of my heroine, Amanda, filled with lustful encounters of a variety of sorts and a mix of submissive

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Pleasure from Giving

It was a brisk Fall afternoon and although forecasters and the dark cloud cover outside promised rain, so far the day had remained dry. I was working as usual for a Wednesday. Business had been slow as the students were all in school and that was our primary customer base as we were a boutique for the young (and young at heart), but we would be busy later, I knew. I was `neatening up' as my boss, Marge, liked to say - straightening the racks, refolding the jeans on the shelves and lost in my own thoughts when a familiar voice star startled me.

"Hello Amanda sweetie, got a kiss for an old friend?"

I whirled to see Gizelle, a gorgeous girl (well, a girl of 28 years - two years older than I) I'd spent a week in France with once. I took her in from head to toe quickly, memories washing over me of one of the wildest weeks of my young life. She was wearing, as was no surprise, expensive shoes, creased navy business slacks, one of those trenchcoats from an exclusive English maker, a subdued rose colored scarf at her neck which complimented nicely her complexion and red hair!

We embraced quickly and I offered my mouth for the kiss she'd requested and, never one to do anything halfway, she responded by squeezing me tightly and plunging her tongue in to dance a familiar dance with mine - yes we'd been lovers. Stepping back and gasping for my breath, but ...

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