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Top of the Worldthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 14858 words)

Author: Katherine English 2
Added: Sep 22 2004Views / Reads: 1182 / 945 [80%]Story vote: 9.56 (9 votes)
The world has been decimated by an apocalyptic plague. Only small pockets of humanity remain. It is in one of these, far in the frozen north that two people find passion and the will to survive.

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Top Of the World by Katherine English

Some said it was the product of terrorists. Still others contended that it had been caused by our own deadly hubris, but my father had the answer curled into his fist, a weapon to hurl at the unrighteous world...the end of civilization had been the price levied for our sins by the hand of God.

He, the good reverend Dr. Charles, a missionary of the Brotherhood of Martyrs, had been assigned to that frozen place long before my birth. There, on the edge of the continent he had made his place, with my mother by his side, and sought to lead the "unenlightened" of Barrow from their errant ways.

That he had not been successful, was less because of his zeal for scripture, than because of the strict interpretation he placed upon it. There was no word but THE Word, no valid genuflection that was not at His feet. To think otherwise was to invite the wrath of the Almighty. Sinners all, the world south of the Brooks Range had failed the ultimate measure, and had been brought to its knees in penance. It had been inevitable.

The people of Barrow respected the good Reverend, a badge of recognition for his sincere benevolence on their behalf. But in matters of faith they kept their own counsel, for the most part, and only a tiny flock ...

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