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Cottage Adventure Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1102 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: gottaswim
Added: Sep 24 2004Views / Reads: 823 / 2 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
The second day of the steamy cottage adventure.

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We awake the following day and realize that we slept through the entire morning and well into the afternoon. It's 4pm already. I roll over to face you and you give me a light peck on the lips and get out of bed without a single word spoken. I expect to see you grab you towel and take a nice long shower, but instead you head out to the end of the dock, completely naked, and jump into the crisp St. Lawrence River's waters. I attempt to stand up and discover how sore I am from the night's activities. No matter though, I will take a long, hot shower and relax my muscles.

I am so entranced by the hot water running down my back and the smells of the aromatic body wash that I don't hear you come back into the cottage, nor do I see you enter the bathroom through the thick steam. It is not until you are in the shower with me that I realize you are even there.

You reach around my back and pull me close to you. I respond by pulling your head into mine for a long, deep, passionate kiss. I feel your cock start to stir as our bodies heat up to match the temperature of the water. I kneel down in front of you so your gorgeous member is just a short bob of the head in front of me. Once again it stirs and I see you brace yourself for what is coming.

I slowly reach my right hand up to your balls and give them a gentle squeeze. I remove my hand completely and you look down at me in dismay. ...

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