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Wild night at girlfriend's apartment - Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 3089 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Josh24
Added: Sep 26 2004Views / Reads: 1803 / 1560 [87%]Part vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
This story happened a few months after the first night that my girlfriend and I got "acquainted" with her roomate and her boyfriend...It's a hot night, about how we went clubbin and the after party that was just as hot as the first night that ha

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Well, my first story seemed to do pretty well with a lot of 10s and 9s being voted in. I did get 2 5's from some jerks, which I'm sure loved the story, but were too critical..anyways, it's all good and I hope they enjoy this one, as much as the other people on here.

In part 1, I described to you in detail, the amazing night that I had along with my girlfriend, her roomate and her roomate's black boyfriend. This story takes place a months after that great night.

It was the weekend and we were all just really sick of our jobs, college and all the other joys of life, so we decided that we were going to treat ourselves to a night on the town. There was a new club in downtown and they were having some hip-hop DJ playing there, so we decided that we'd head down there. It had been a couple weeks since I had slept with my girlfriends roomate and that my girlfriend had slept with Kenny, as we had decided that maybe things were getting too wild. I love my girlfriend and she loves me and I can say that Kenny and Katy love each other too, but the sex was great when we swapped girlfriends and my fantasy had been fulfilled.

My girlfriend asked me what to wear and I told her that I wanted her to dress hot and slutty for me. Kenny told me that this club had a lot of white and black people and that the guys will often try test the boyfriends of girls by trying to dance with women who have boyfriends. Kenny and I are pretty big guys so we figured we wouldn't worry and in ...

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