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Double Vision?this story is part of the FanClub (ff:threesomes, 3139 words)

Author: Tsu Do Nym
Added: Sep 26 2004Views / Reads: 16295 / 10708 [66%]Story vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
Three lovely ladies, light bondage, some toys, and enough pleasure to go around.

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Double Vision?

What was in that drink!? Her head felt like it was swollen and pounded with every pulsing of the blood coursing thru her alcohol-laden veins. She remembered the first drink and the dance with that dumb, but sexy-looking young man in the kakhi pants afterward. Nice, but oooohhh it hurt so much to think..to remember.

Then the second drink, bought for her by that lovely young redheaded girl she'd just met. It was different, something with creme de menthe, but a real kick behind it. She'd been seated right beside Amanda's seat when she returned from the dance floor. They'd talked about... something..wait, the girl worked for a lingerie manufacturer or something.. owww! That's right though, they'd joked about some of the really hideous underwear on the market and some of the sexier lines too! There'd been a lot of touching - laughing and then touching - hand to arm, arm across the shoulders, forehead to forehead, a kiss to the cheek, hand resting on skirt-covered thigh.

Amanda remembered that touch especially clearly. In fact it was almost like she could still feel the warmth from that touch..she remembered thinking she could just 'wish' her skirt would ride up and it would be out of the way so that that touch would be against her skin. The red head was cute and very touchy-sensual. Amanda knew that hand could well be the answer to the itch she felt up higher..an itch which had ...

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