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Mi Casa Es Su Casathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1090 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: jessiek
Added: Sep 30 2004Views / Reads: 1387 / 787 [57%]Part vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
The morning after our first night together as a threesome, I awake between Tommy and Russo wanting more.

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I awoke snuggled between the two of you; Russo's arm was draped over me, his slender body tracing my backside, while you lay in front of me, one hand cupping my breast, the other nestled between my legs. I could feel his morning wood pressing into my ass, and I shifted against him, causing you to stir. As you opened your eyes, I kissed you gently, coaxing your tongue to enter my mouth, caressing your soft lips with mine. You smiled that beautiful smile, the one that had made me melt for you to begin with. God! We've come so far in such a short time! I would never have believed the two of us would ever be together, let alone that I would be waking sandwiched between you and your best friend after finding out last night that three's not a crowd.

"Are you okay with last night?" you whispered, as if it had been your idea.

"Of course!" I whispered. "Are you?"

"Sure, sure. As long as we're together it's always a good time. Besides, Russo's my best friend. Mi casa es su casa......you know..."

Giggling, I reached down and stroked your cock, already starting to swell at the memory of last night. One hard cock in front of me, and one behind, how could I not propose a repeat performance?

I pushed my ass into Russo's hardened member, wiggling him into ...

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