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The Therapistthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 5539 words)

Author: Jim Armstrong Picture in profile
Added: Oct 04 2004Views / Reads: 6069 / 4861 [80%]Story vote: 8.89 (9 votes)
A visit to the therapist turned out better than he could have imagined.

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I had been feeling unexplainably down for the last couple of weeks and, at first, had attributed it to how lousy business was but when I still had the same feelings after writing some good orders, I decided to see my doctor and get a checkup. After putting me through a battery of tests, he called me a few days later and told me that everything seems to be in good order physically and that it might be a good idea to see a therapist to try and get to the bottom of it before it gets worse.

I checked the internet for some therapists in my area and decided to call a Dr. Dianne Weston who was only a couple of blocks away. I made an appointment for Tuesday at 11 am and figured that I would find an old dowager psychotherapist when I arrived. Imagine my surprise when the door opened and a very attractive, tall, dark haired beauty greeted me and after some small talk, showed me to the perennial couch. What I wanted to do was throw her on the couch and fuck her but instead, we sat down and she started to draw out my personal and business life so that she would have a better idea of who I am. I had a hardon all through that first session and, while answering her questions, I was appraising her charms and thinking about how much Tina would like a session with her also except that it would be more physical therapy than mental. She caught me looking at her breasts and I think I saw a flicker of interest in her eyes but couldn't be sure. We went through 3 sessions in 3 weeks and by now she had a pretty good idea of my background. During the fourth session, she asked me about my relationship with Tina and I told her that, before I went into any ...

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