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The Testing of Wendy , Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1840 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: AndyJay
Added: Oct 07 2004Views / Reads: 4047 / 3302 [82%]Part vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
My desire to see Wendy entertain other men takes a further step

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The Testing of Wendy, Part 2.

I am determined to share my wife with another man and if you read "The Testing of Wendy" story you will see I started the course of action a few weeks back. This is the next part of the story.

Having had really hot sex for the few weeks from when I tied Wendy to the bed and pretended there was another man in the room it was time to raise the tempo a bit.

Wendy had said she had enjoyed being tied up and blindfolded and me using a vibrator to simulate a second cock but that was it as far as she was concerned. She had no desire to actually get another man in.

This weekend I had decided that when she was tied up I was going to give the "other man" a name and a personality. Up until now the second man was face and nameless, "he" was just a vibrator giving pleasure.

This time it was going to be Jim, the window cleaner, he is a good-looking guy, dark hair, tanned, v-torso - the sort of guys she fancies, and she gets on well with him.

The Story, part 2.

Friday night had come around. Wendy had dressed in a short leather ...

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