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Mrs Hansen Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1417 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: bizr
Added: Oct 16 2004Views / Reads: 2560 / 1950 [76%]Part vote: 8.17 (6 votes)
Mrs Hansen and Jason arrive at her house and continue the passionate sex

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Mrs. Hansen Part 4

Thanks for waiting for part 4. I am truly grateful for the feedback and the kudos.

I stood up on shaky legs and stood there looking down at Mrs. Hansen. She swung her legs to the floor and also stood up.

"This will be better in bed," she spoke softly.

Taking my hand she proceeded to her room and dropped her dressing gown to the floor. I gawked at her completely naked body. Her years showed but while a little frumpy she still was incredibly beautiful.

"Come here, Jason."

She lay back on the bed and spread her legs lewdly and I could feel the beginning of another erection. I crawled between her legs; she reached out and grabbed my shoulders forcing me to lay completely on her my full weight bearing down on her. My erect cock bumping the inside of her thigh.

I felt her reach down and wrap her fingers around my erection and stroke softly.


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