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The Dressing Roomthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1681 words)

Author: smokehouse Picture in profile
Added: Oct 16 2004Views / Reads: 5621 / 4167 [74%]Story vote: 7.50 (6 votes)
She began to moan just as she did when she came as I ate her out. Both of our moans must have filled the entire dressing rooms, because I heard whispering. But I didn't care my pussy was in heaven, Tracy's mouth.

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The Dressing Room

Christmas is such a glorious time, but the shopping is what causes all the stress. I was in the mall, wrapping up all of my Christmas shopping, when I happened upon my favorite store. I was tired and had promised that I wouldn't spend that much money. But I thought to myself, 'what the hell, I deserve it.' And I did, I had bought my husband's, kids' and family members' all their presents, why not splurge a little on myself. So I walked in, picked up a few items and headed toward the dressing room. Just because a sweater looks good on a mannequin doesn't mean it will look good on me. I saw a couple of women standing around in the dressing room, but automatically assumed they were just waiting for their friends to finish trying on their choices. So I made my way through and knock on doors to see if they were occupied. At the end of the hall, I knocked on the door. My knock went unanswered and the door was unlocked, so I opened the door. I looked in and there stood a beautiful voluptuous woman standing there in her bra and panties. I was shocked; I apologized and quickly began to close the door. She stopped me and said that it was okay. She said that she was almost through and realized the dressing room was extremely busy. So I walk in and laid my choices on the makeshift table. We make nonsensical small talk, about shopping, how much we have accomplished, what our kids wanted and things of that nature. I found out her name is Tracy, mine is Stacy, what a coincidence. I became aware soon enough of what she was trying on in the dressing room, bras!! She took off the one she ...

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