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Flying off to Heaventhis story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 5011 words)

Author: homer the bad 1
Added: Oct 17 2004Views / Reads: 1366 / 1120 [82%]Story vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Melissa's vacation solves a nagging problem

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Flying Off to Heaven

Melissa was taking her first plane trip, she had been eagerly waiting for this moment for over a month since she got the E-Mail from her cousins asking her to come out and stay with them for the summer in San Diego. All her friends at college thought it was weird that at age 21, she had yet to take a plane flight, but it was true. Up until now she never had a reason to fly, all of her friends and family were nearby, and all the family vacations her and her two brothers and younger sister were taken in the family car.

That was why, when her cousins asked her to come out to visit, she jumped at the chance. She was in between her junior and senior year at college, studying psychology in particular human sexuality, with a minor in art; she thought a long relaxing summer vacation would be what she needed to recharge her energy for the long year ahead.

She chose was the overnight flight because she would be able to sleep for most of the long ride. Melissa was as casual dresser most of the time and for the plane flight, she purposely chose one of her most casual, with the idea she wanted to be comfortable as possible to sleep.

She chose her lightweight off-white gauze harem pants with the matching shirt but for underneath, she still wanted to feel sexy and opted for a ...

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