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LOST and FOUND (chapter 2)this story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 5087 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Dahkme
Added: Oct 19 2004Views / Reads: 718 / 632 [88%]Part vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
Rebecca and Heidi reunite and Rebecca regains her memory. Can their love survive?

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The next morning the two women awoke in each other's arms. Heidi looked at her watch and saw it was 7am. She got up and fixed some eggs, coffee and loaned Rebecca some clothes to wear.

"Do you still want to go to the hospital," she asked? " I think you should, at least have that nose looked at." Heidi said.

"I think you're right, I feel like I can hardly breathe. My eye is swollen shut. Will it be safe to go?" Rebecca was worried since Heidi had told her the area where the hospital was, is in a bad neighborhood.

"We can take the subway, they can't kick us off if we pay. I have enough tokens to get us there and back. I will stay with you the whole time."

They took the train and walked about four blocks to the emergency room. The nurse looked at both women as if they were trash. She brusquely told them to have a seat and the doctor would see them as soon as possible. Heidi just shrugged the woman's demeanor off. She had witnessed first hand many times the disdain that she could see in people's faces and had gotten used to it. Rebecca on the other hand, ...

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