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My Roommatethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2130 words)

Author: smokehouse Picture in profile
Added: Oct 21 2004Views / Reads: 2855 / 2455 [86%]Story vote: 8.14 (7 votes)
"Do you want to fuck me?" She was standing right by the bed. I was speechless. "I said, Do you want me? Tell me now, Yes or No."

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My Roommate

I knew two things immediately upon meeting my roommate: first that I couldn't stand the bitch, and second that I wanted her.

I didn't even know that I was a dyke yet. I mean, I was fresh out of high school, where you just didn't talk about things like that. I had gone out with a few boys, even fooled around with them a little, just because I was curious. I couldn't really get into it. But girls... I would whack my clit silly thinking about girls. I was pretty deeply in denial. So anyway, it was the first day of college, and I was sitting around in the dorm with my new friends, we were all taking hits off a bong, and I was thinking how cool college is, to actually be able to talk and interact with other people; people who don't care how they dress and aren't into sports, and actually have a brain and use it. And get high too. Right in the middle of this, Sara walked in.

"You must be my new roommate." I said. They had sent everyone a picture of their roommate. She was Asian, Japanese, I think. She stood there in the doorway, looking at us disapprovingly. She wore neatly pressed black slacks and a white blouse. Just a hint of makeup. Her short black hair was impeccable. She sniffed. "If you insist on using illegal [censored]", she said airily, "Please refrain from doing so in our dorm." There was just the tiniest hint of an accent in her speech. My new friends and I exchanged a look. Great. So this was my roommate. We ...

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