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Key West...7 months laterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1623 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: PoisynAngel Picture in profile
Added: Oct 22 2004Views / Reads: 409 / 288 [70%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Girl meets up with ex lover seven months after their last encounter for a passionate reunion.

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Every once in a while she'd catch the smell of salt on the breeze and it would bring back a memory of two bodies intertwined on the sand. Though she was fond of the memory it seemed like ages ago. She never actually thought she'd see him again but somehow she'd agreed to meet him tonight. Although it was on her turf this time she was still very apprehensive. Even the deep twang of his voice sent her legs to mush and her heart racing. After all this time he still had a hold over her. She was so frustrated with herself for being so easy. Slamming the phone down she gathered up her purse and headed out of the house. She needed to clear her head.

About 45 min into her drive out to the beach she began to calm down. What was so nerve wracking about seeing him again? Her thoughts whirled around her head slowly replaying their time together so many months ago, her chest tightening as she felt the familiar stab of pain as she recalled how they parted. She couldn't go back there, she didn't want to relive that anguish. She knew she wouldn't resist him though. Despite her anger and the brick wall she'd built around her heart she wanted him, had to have him.

She pulled into the nearly empty lot and got out. Grabbing a blanket from the backseat she tossed her purse inside, determined to enjoy the sunset without a cell phone. She locked the car and pocketed the keys. Making her way down to the shore she stopped midway to remove her shoes. Feeling the sand between her toes gave her an unexpected surge ...

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