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Birthday Surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1799 words)

Author: Nigelle
Added: Oct 24 2004Views / Reads: 2992 / 1258 [42%]Story vote: 7.50 (10 votes)
This is set in first person. What my man was willing to give me for my birthday!

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It's a hot summer night and you are in a particular interesting mood. You ask me if I would like to have you and another man at the same time. I look at you with amazement and quickly tell you yes. The man must pass my standards, I say. You tell me not to worry that you have this one covered. Because I trust you, I agree to let you chose the man. You leave and come back with a man but I cannot see him. You come inside and ask me if you can tie me to the bed. I raise my look at you and agree to let you have your way with me. I am turned on by the fact you asked me if I wanted to be with you and another man, as this has been a fantasy of mine for a long time. You keep me clothed and lay me on the bed and grab the restraints out of the bedside table. You kiss me as you take the Velcro cuffs and attach them to the bedposts. You gently place my hands in the cuffs and make sure they are secure. You also take the blindfold and put it over my eyes so I cannot see. I am growing warm with anticipation. I hear you speaking with the stranger but I cannot make out his voice. You both enter the bedroom. The stranger asks if he can remove my clothes. You agree. I can feel his hands on my body. Fire runs through my veins. Since I can't see, my senses are heightened. He takes off my shoes and socks. In the background I can hear water running and wonder what you are doing. The stranger moves to my hips, I feel his hands caressing me. I can hear you walking back into the room. I know you are watching him and enjoying every second of the torture this is causing me. Not in a painful way, it's just that not knowing who the stranger is, is the torture. The stranger pulls down my shorts and panties in one fell ...

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