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First Time for Margaretthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2326 words)

Author: Goldfinger
Added: Oct 25 2004Views / Reads: 3496 / 2790 [80%]Story vote: 8.00 (12 votes)
Margaret is determined to keep herself for her husband on her wedding night...........until she meets a man who is already married.

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First Time for Margaret

Back in the days when Disco was the rage, Margaret was 28 years of age, and still a virgin. Oh, she was certainly attractive, and there was no shortage of young guys interested. She was more than just attractive, actually. She had a lovely personality that gave her an appeal over and above mere good looks.

But Margaret, or Maggie to her friends, was religious. She was an upstanding Christian lass with high moral values,and was determined to remain "intact" for her husband on her wedding night. That alone dissuaded the more amorous suiters.

She had had several boy friends over the years, and one relationship in particular reached the engagement stage. But alas, her fiance had been cheating on her and when she found out, although it broke her heart, she handed the ring back.

That had been 4 years ago, when she was 24. There had been no one in her life since then. Until Clive came on the scene. She met him at a Disco, of all places. Maggie has let Carla, her best friend, persuade her to go one night, and as soon as she laid eyes on Clive....Zap!

Clive was 2 years older than her, tall, with a classic masculine body. Broad shoulders, narrow waist and slim hips, and he was probably the ...

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