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Me and Mrs....Mrs Moorethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1399 words)

Author: The Seeker
Added: Oct 27 2004Views / Reads: 4712 / 3656 [78%]Story vote: 8.10 (10 votes)
Mrs Moore Is a frustrated wife and hasn't been properly loved in a long time. I listen to her, respond to her and lovingly make love to her

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I really don't know when it all started actually, My understanding women of all ages that is.

I suppose it all stems from being a good listener, I mean really listening to what they actually have to say.

Let me give you an example

My name is Owen and I own my own service business and I had an appointment to meet Dr. and Janice Moore, longtime customers of mine. Dr Moore who is in his early 60's has his own cushy job with a fortune 500 company and has little time for "other interests"

If you know what I mean.

Janice Moore, her age is approx..... let just say mid 40's ( I never asked) with strawberry blonde hair. She is a maniac in her home gym and has the body of a women say 15 years younger.

The good doctor is out the door with nary a wave to me as I pass by him and his wife is nowhere to be seen. I go about my business and as I am working upstairs I hear what I think is someone softly weeping.

I put down my tools and find Janice weeping softly in the hallway leading to the spare bedrooms. I ask her "What is the matter" at first ...

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