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She made me do it...this story is part of the FanClub (ff:bondage, 4204 words)

Author: Dude143 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 28 2004Views / Reads: 5110 / 4356 [85%]Story vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
Sure, I have always wanted to try lesbian sex, but never had the guts to actually initiate it. I secretly fantasized about a woman forcing me to have sex with her, though I never actually expected it to happen. After confiding in my best friend about this

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I couldn't believe how perfect her plan worked on me. I know this couldn't have been just a good guess. She had to have talked to my friend about this before she tried It. He was the only one I ever told. Here I was, in the arms of another woman at last. I had been too shy to go through with this sort of thing for a long time, though I had desperately wanted to.

I am, as I said, a very shy woman of 22 years. My life consists mostly of school, work, mystery novels, and writing. My only sexual outlet definitely would have been my vibrator and the Internet. I have been through a few relationships, so I was no stranger to that, but I had moved about a year ago, and I was now stuck in a rut of a routine. I am a slender woman, 5'3" and 110lbs. I have a nice figure, though my breasts are a bit smallish. I don't get much exercise, but I do eat well. I have no anxieties about my appearance.

As you can imagine, I do have friends over the Internet. Though those are the only people that I made time for in the beginning. I even had a few guy friends whom I told everything, and I mean everything, fantasies, fears, and dreams. The one relevant fantasy that I had shared with this friend in particular would be the only way I could actually have sex with a woman. As disturbing as it might have sounded, I wanted to pretend the woman was forcing me to do it, even though it wasn't really the case. I would want to be able to stop her if I wanted to, but otherwise have her push me into it. I had assumed something of ...

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