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What I Saw Through the Ventthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4240 words)

Author: jongar
Added: Oct 28 2004Views / Reads: 2621 / 2231 [85%]Story vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
Our beautiful Anna had just returned from away with a little surprise, she was pregnant. As she dealt with her tempestuous hormones it ended up being my job to help keep her spirits up, but as I watched her through the vent she was doing more to help kee

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What I saw through the vent.

Ann came home from abroad with a little surprise that she hadn't claimed at customs. It wasn't perfume, or liquor, or contraban animal skin attire; she had a bun, in the oven. We of course were overjoyed to hear the news and to have her home, our beautiful wandering soul. Ann has been just about everywhere teaching English and as a registered massage therapist. She loved to travel, but after a few years abroad she finally slipped and got caught up by a man. She ended up getting pregnant by some Nigerian Spaniard, who wasn't a one woman man and especially, not the fathering type. Well, Ann was fine with that, he wasn't that great of a lover anyway, but she came home to catch her bearings and we were only too happy to have her back.

Ann was a natural beauty, sun lightened brown hair held back by a bandana, a quick smile and flashing hazel eyes. She had always kept fit and when home from her adventures she was my wifes workout partner. So, even with a developing bump in her belly, she was still very fit, toned and tanned. The two were inseparable once my wife came home from work each day. However, over a short period of time we noticed that she was getting a bit despondant, looking down and she carried a feeling of sadness. My wife asked me to pay attention to her. To use some of my flattery to help get her out of her funk. Apparently Ann was feeling self conscious about her changing body and wasn't taking her new reality too well. I wasn't sure what I could do, but my wife ...

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