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If Love is a Red Dressthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3308 words)

Author: vertigo23
Added: Nov 03 2004Views / Reads: 1851 / 1396 [75%]Story vote: 8.71 (7 votes)
True story. A date with my girlfriend Elysiah ends back at her apartment, where I got to enjoy several kinky things with her I'd never thought I'd experience with anyone.

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It was by far the best date I've ever had. Fun, spontaneous, and adventurous (for me). I flew out to Las Vegas to see Elysiah again, for the third time in two months, back when I was in-between software contracts. She had finished working, came home, and we napped a bit before getting ready to go out on the town. Showered, shaved, and sexy, we were ready to go. One of our stopping points was in the Flamingo - on our way through the casino we passed a small clothing store. She glanced a dress hanging in the window and with a girlish 'Oooooh!' she pulled me inside so that she could try it on. On an impulse I bought the dress for her and she changed her outfit there in the store. I held her black dress as she changed into the red one and we walked out.

She looked fantastic. I know nothing about dresses, how they are styled and the terminology for the styles and the like. But, what I can tell you is that it was an A-line dress. The strap-thingys crossed behind her neck, leaving her back exposed and her breasts and cleavage well accentuated. Very, very well accentuated. It came down to just above her knees, allowing me to see enough of her beautiful ivory legs to make me hungry for the rest of her. Slightly less than shoulder length blonde hair crowned her deceptively angelic face. And her breasts... wow. She's a nicely endowed lady, enough that men stare as she comes and goes. The red dress complemented her hourglass figure perfectly.

A little later, we stopped by the casino lounge to listen to a singer cover some romantic and fun tunes. He couldn't help but notice Elysiah, ...

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