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Sommer joins the Mile High Clubthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:oral sex, 2422 words)

Author: Holland
Added: Nov 04 2004Views / Reads: 7531 / 6293 [84%]Story vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
Sommer meets someone on her flight and gets initiated into the club.

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It's time. The flight's boarding. "This is your last chance to back out," Sommer tells herself. She's thought about this over and over, and is still hesitant. But her curiosity overcomes her hesitancy, and, telling herself she'll never be able to face herself again if she doesn't do this, she picks up her carry-on bag, hands her boarding pass to the smiling attendant, and walks through the entryway to the plane. A small smile of triumph crosses her full lips.

It's midweek, and the plane isn't crowded. As Sommer passes the flight attendant at the entry door she asks if there's any chance of changing her seat; she'd like a window. "Yes, we have a lot of space tonight. Let's see what's available. I'll let you know." She makes a mental note of Sommer's seat number as she walks on.

In a few minutes the flight attendant returns, leans over to speak to Sommer, her breasts, in her uniform blouse, full and shapely. Sommer notices her name tag, Jan. "If you like, there's a better seat further back, and you can have the whole row to yourself. It'd be good, you could nap if you wanted." Sommer follows her trim body, her eyes taking in the slight flare of her hips, the gentle sway as she walks, to the new seat, almost all the way to the rear, and after getting a magazine, places her bag beneath the seat.

As she waits for the plane to take off, she finds herself wondering about Jan, what she looks like beneath her simple uniform, how it would ...

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