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Ass Affectionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 4987 words)

Author: potent Picture in profile
Added: Nov 05 2004Views / Reads: 5642 / 4246 [75%]Story vote: 9.52 (23 votes)
I couldnt get enough I clinched my sphincter around his dick

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I heard a report the other day, on that entertainer feature network, that when Marilyn Monroe died, she had a full enema inside her body. The reporter said that either Marilyn or an unknown murderer filled an enema bag, added barbiturates, put it inside of her bowels, and she held it there. The skin inside absorbed all the chemicals and it killed her. An overdose. Now the freak in me wanted to know all sorts of things that the G-rated network would never disclose. I wanted to know whether Marilyn (Norma Jean) was a regular enema user. I wanted to know if she cleaned out her colon before Jack Kennedy or Frank Sinatra came to fuck her, and if they swabbed her sanitized pink, puckered asshole with their tongues. I wanted to know if she inserted the enema and didn't realize the amount of [censored] her body would absorb before she expelled the liquid. I wanted to know if Marilyn was so effective at holding the water in that she accidentally killed herself, or if she truly intended to kill herself with her intestines full of the hazardous water. I wanted to know if Marilyn expelled the water after she took her last breath and all her body's muscles relaxed, or if there was a plug in her ass, holding it in. Was the liquid actually still inside her body when the police found her? How? I wanted to write to that police drama "Cold Case" to see if they'd reinvestigate the details.

Now I am curious about all of these things because I have become an ass afficionado. I wasn't one until recently, when I met my new man and learned that he was fascinated by porn. I asked him to show me one of ...

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