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Comanchethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 1174 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: vertigo23
Added: Nov 10 2004Views / Reads: 640 / 337 [53%]Part vote: 5.00 (1 vote)
An erotic/ cyberpunk/ domination/ goth/ spy/ kind of mind control/ something story. Honestly, it is a sci-fi story first and erotica second. Feedback is desired.

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The cigarette smoke in Purgatory reflected neon glow, and Daemion moved through it as if he himself were vapor. Returning to his booth (his, only, because he sat there before anyone else could) he saw his clove had burned to a filter while he was shooting a round of pool. Sitting down at his laptop, he logged back in and lit up another clove. The game had given him a break, let some ideas ferment, and now was the time to reap his harvest of ideas. He jacked in, kicked off the neurosignal he'd been working on and dropped into the zone, flying low and fast. I/O coalesced with algorithms and emerged into subroutines. All this happened in his mind and fed down the wires to his deck. The worn-out waitress came by silently and left his stimbeer - he didn't drink often but tonight was a special night. The end game was near.

Three hours had passed without a glitch. He felt the signal shifting as he recompiled through iterations. The intensity was there, and under total control of the user. Memory access was top notch. All of it crisp and clear. He felt the rush of excitement all over his body. Orgasmic. Seductive. Like that hatefuck he and Kianna had shared in the back room of the Purgatory, under construction since he got here four years ago. She was furious at her very soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, Daemion was sitting there to avoid the scene, and she came to him soft and in need. There were just a few sentences spoken, so quietly he couldn't remember them now.

Long hair, albino white, hair fell around her pale face and sunrise red ...

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