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Fantasy Vacation Ch. 16this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2939 words) [16/24] show all parts

Author: Silverfox055
Added: Nov 17 2004Views / Reads: 1255 / 1040 [83%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
The Group Gets Together Over Dinner And Drinks.

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter XVI By: Silverfox055

The group gets together over dinner to get better acquainted.

Terri and Mike were wrapping up the discussion of today episode on the lake when Don and Carol joined them in the parking lot.

"Are we all ready for a good dinner?" Carol asked opening the side door of the van and moving inside.

"About as ready as we'll ever be!" Terri replied, getting into the front seat with Mike.

"Well let's get going then I don't want to keep our new friends waiting." Carol said to Mike.

"What's you hurry, Carol? You have some special plans for tonight. Mike asked with a smirk on his face.

Starting up the engine and backing out of the parking lot, Mike directed the van toward the main highway. With the radio playing oldies, Mike listened to Carol and Terri recounting the wife-swapping tale as he drove. Both women were squirming in their seats by the time they arrived at the restaurant. With the lot almost full, Mike dropped his passenger off at the front door and went looking for a place to park. ...

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