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Floridian Adventurethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1694 words) [1/9] show all parts

Author: Lady Susannah
Added: Nov 20 2004Views / Reads: 3224 / 2577 [80%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
This is a story I wrote about two years ago with some help and advice form Jigs another eroticstories author. My grateful thanks to Jigs - you were the best! Part one sets the scene and shows briefly the background that brings Elizabeth to where she is to

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Chapter One: The Arrival

It was hot and steamy morning, typical Florida weather in the dog days of mid-August when Elizabeth Stockton, her husband Peter, and their two children disembarked from British Airways flight 650 at the Jacksonville, Fla., airport. Waiting for them at the baggage pick-up outside of customs were Peter's parents. This invasion of the USA by three generations of the Stockton family of Warwick England had been planned with a logistical care worthy of a military invasion of a foreign shore.

`The 'outlaws', Elizabeth's pet name for her husband's mom and dad, had arrived in Orlando Florida two days earlier on an excursion flight from England. They had established a beachhead headquarters at a hotel at Disney World in preparation for the arrival of their grandchildren who were to spend five days with them enjoying a Mickey Mouse vacation. Children and grandparents would then return to England together on the return excursion flight, and remain together until Peter and Elizabeth arrived back home.

For Peter, however, this was no holiday. Three hours after landing in Jacksonville, he was scheduled to leave on a connecting flight for New Orleans where he was to represent his import/export firm in an important and complex contract negotiation with a Louisiana shipper. He expected to be there at least week to ten days and maybe more. ...

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